"Mustn’t Grumble" by Joe Bennett

Invited to travel round England and write about it (and the English), Bennett decided to use H V Morton’s “In Search of England” as a sort of route map [note to self: must find a copy of Morton’s book]Bennett has tried (though not very hard) to identify “Englishness”. In the end, he thinks it is encapsulated in the BBC’s “Antiques Roadshow”...
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Yesterday’s Tweets

For those confused by yesterday’s Tweets, this is what happened:1. Originally, Anne and I were to sail from Rye to Eastbourne with another couple to attend the Round Table and Ladies Circle National Conferences there – Jane being a former National Chairman of Ladies Circle2. The plan was that we would sail to Eastbourne on Friday, have a meal and sleep on the boat, then go to the...
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Conveyancing process: ready to complete?

This is the stage just before completion of the sale and purchase: ff the draft transfer, etc, are approved (and, if appropriate, signed by the buyer), the final enquiries are satisfactorily answered, the pre-completion search results are satisfactory, and the licence to assign is agreed by the freeholder, the seller’s solicitor will get the completion papperwork signed by the seller, and...
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more on leaseholds

Because of experience in the past, where pubs changed hands – sometimes several times in quick succession – without repair work being done, so running down the estate, Enterprise Inns (for one pubco) now arranges for a schedule of outstanding repairs to be prepared, and usually requires the outgoing tenant to carry out those repairs before the change of ownership can proceed –...
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Leasehold pubs

Stage 10 in my overview of pub sale and purchase procedure: ” If the pub is leasehold, it is normal that the landlord’s consent to the transfer of the lease to the buyer is needed. Whatever timescale the buyer and seller have agreed, this is subject to the need to get “licence to assign” first. Usually, the procedure for this will have been started at stage 1, so that...
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Stage 7: Money, money, money

While all the legal investigations are being dealt with, the buyer needs to get his or her finances in place, ready to – (a) pay a deposit (usually ten per cent of the purchase price) on exchange of contracts and (b) pay the rest of the purchase money, plus legal expenses, plus the stock value, on completion As exchange of contracts and completion often take place on the same day, the...
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