Making a rod for your own back

Pursuing a service standard of “Excellent” is definitely a case of making a rod for your own backIn my business, I strive for a truly excellent standard of service and, inevitably, I do not always achieve it. When I fail, I feel mortified, but (illogically) I also slightly resent it when clients point out how I have failed to achieve the standard I try to set – I feel unfairly...
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A follow-up for the Hoodeners Horse

A follow-up post for the Hoodeners Horse is here Comments
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The Hoodeners Horse, Great Chart, Ashford

I have reporeted on this excellent pub in my other blog, Abaddons Musings, but really it should receive a mention here, in my blog devoted to pubs, too – see the Abaddons Musings blogpost here Comments
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Not a clean getaway

If you have a leasehold pub (or any leasehold commercial premises), selling the lease on to a new tenant does not end your potential liability. Even though the landlord will insist on approving the new tenant before consenting to the transfer of the lease, he or she will also expect you, as the outgoing tenant, to stand as personal guarantor for the new tenant: either explicity under an...
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The Hoodeners Horse, Great Chart, Ashford, Kent UK

I have to post my thoughts on this truly excellent pubI have visited it twice for Tweetups, and took my family today for lunch. On every occasion, I have been impressed by the warm welcome (especially from Andy Setterfield, the owner, but also from all his staff), the real ale (and cider), the efficiency and the FOOOOOD!Today, I mainly drank the St Austell Tribute; after a few pints of that, I...
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Clients slow me down

For the first time in ages, if not ever, I have a client (a publican at that) who has not sabotaged the start of his own transaction by not supplying paperwork, etc, and so slowing me down The pub has been on the market for the best part of a year, but in readiness for finding a buyer, my client sent me the lease, the premises licence, the certificates and reports, asbestos survey, etc, so that...
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