Never sign without reading

Everyone knows, I hope, how important it is to read – and understand – documents before signing them: once signed, they are legally binding on you, and consumer protection legislation will only come to the rescue of the foolhardy in very limited situations.This applies to all sorts of documents: contracts, terms of business, even letters and, of course, WillsIt therefore surprises me...
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Who are our competitors – and which worry us?

As “High Street” solicitors, who tend to handle local work for local people, it might be thought that our main competitors are other, similar “High Street” solicitors – I think notAlthough there is competition between us and other local firms, we do not see them as an existential threat (oooh! Big words!) On the whole, they tend to have the same philosophy of...
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New conveyancing protocol

According to Clutton Cox, they were one of only 12 firms to respond to the consultation by the Law Society on its new conveyancing protocol: I also responded, that means only 10 others throughout the country did – what a disappointmentWhat is also disappointing is that the Law Society has not included in the scheme a requirement for member firms to (for instance)...
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Turmoil for the legal profession

The legal profession is undergoing a period of change and review more far-reaching than anything it has experienced before. The following consultations (which will lead to change) and already decided changes are under way (thanks to Rob Hailstone of the Bold Group for drawing all this together) -SRA Consultations: The new SRA Handbook: This consultation is the last opportunity for comments on...
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Quality standards?

Research by the Consumer Panel – which advises the Legal Services Board, the regulator of lawyers – finds that “consumers assume all lawyers are technically competent and are subject to more regulatory controls than is the case. This means that quality considerations do not strongly influence consumers’ choice of lawyers and people erroneously consider that all legal...
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Online advice

I contribute to an online advice forum at A query that (to me, at least) was quite interesting cropped up today, regarding a breach of a restrictive covenant. The query itself was: “We purchased a converted barn 2 years ago and the developer (who also lived next door) suggested that we get a garden room extension when I said I wouldn’t buy it as I wanted...
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Latest company update from Nelsons

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