Why use Twitter?

Speaking only for myself: I started using Twitter as an easy way for my children to keep me reassured as to their safety while they were abroad – Emily in Colorado at university and Alex in Australia and Thailand on a gap breakIt grew from that to an easy way to make contact with local Twitts and to stay in touch with them (especially through the Tweet-ups) – also as a way of picking...
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Engineers or insurers?

One way of comparing lawyers is to classify them as “engineers” or as “insurers”: engineers try to set up a contract, transaction, etc, that suits the agreed requirements of the client; insurers tend to use an established precedent that is designed to cover all possible circumstances, avoiding the risk of omitting something not currently foreseen but possibly required in...
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Making a rod for your own back

Pursuing a service standard of “Excellent” is definitely a case of making a rod for your own backIn my business, I strive for a truly excellent standard of service and, inevitably, I do not always achieve it. When I fail, I feel mortified, but (illogically) I also slightly resent it when clients point out how I have failed to achieve the standard I try to set – I feel unfairly...
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A follow-up for the Hoodeners Horse

A follow-up post for the Hoodeners Horse is here Comments
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The Hoodeners Horse, Great Chart, Ashford

I have reporeted on this excellent pub in my other blog, Abaddons Musings, but really it should receive a mention here, in my blog devoted to pubs, too – see the Abaddons Musings blogpost here Comments
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Not a clean getaway

If you have a leasehold pub (or any leasehold commercial premises), selling the lease on to a new tenant does not end your potential liability. Even though the landlord will insist on approving the new tenant before consenting to the transfer of the lease, he or she will also expect you, as the outgoing tenant, to stand as personal guarantor for the new tenant: either explicity under an...
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