Home Information Packs (again!)

I know I keep banging on about this, but it is my view that a combination of inadequate consultation by government, vested interests in the property industry trying to stifle change and competition on price rather than value resulted in a huge missed opportunity. Home Information Packs, properly prepared, can be of great benefit in streamlining conveyancing, to the benefit of all concerned:...
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Will the Tories scrap HIPs?

Comment from Rob Hailstone of HIPAG -“Grant Shapps has recently reiterated his intention to “scrap” Hips. What he hasn’t said publicly, is whether he will amend or replace them. However, the Conservatives have made it clear that they want to improve the home buying and selling process. It is therefore, highly unlikely that Mr Shapps will allow us to go back to the home...
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Choosing a lawyer

When choosing a lawyer to act for you, don’t just choose on price. Don’t just choose on quality, either – most people can’t afford that! Choose on value for money at the quality and service level you want and are prepared to pay for
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What’s in a Twitter name?

When I started on Twitter, as I explained here, it was to keep in touch with my children while they were abroad. However, I had in mind that it would also be a useful way to promote this blog, so I chose a Twitter name that tied in with this blog’s name – as to the “rationale” behind the blog’s name, see here . “Abaddon” was already taken as a Twitter name so, as Abaddon was the angel of the...
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Do banks seek revenge?

last year, Barclays would not increase my overdraft racility to £60,000 – to get me through the credit crunch – pending the maturing of a life policy for that amount. HSBC were happy to offer that arrangemejt, so I switched. It was a matter of commercial life or death, as Barclays well knew.Anyway, nine months after the switch and I am ready finally to close the Barclays...
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What’s in a (Twitter) name?

I was going to blog about why I have changed my Twitter name recently, but as I seem to have broken Twitter by changing too much, I had better wait until it is fixed!I will re-visit this subject soon, I hope!Meanwhile, I seem to have locked myself out of receiving Tweets, so I will see if I can at least send one to explain my lack of conversation
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Latest company update from Nelsons

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