Tenterden accountants get it together

Two firms of accoutants with offices in Tenterden are to merge with effect from April Fools’ Day (1 April 2010)Phipps & Co, who also have offices in Rye, will merge with Gibbons Mannington, who also have offices in Rye (and in Bexhill as well)As Phipps & Co have only relatively recently returned to Tenterden, re-absorbing the Day Peto & Co practice that had previously spun...
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Client feedback

It’s always nice to have good client feedback. One completed questionnaire arrived this weekend from a pub-buying client: Communication: “Excellent” Legal work: “Excellent” Fees paid: “Good value for money” Possible improvements: “Is there an improvement on ‘excellence’?!” Would you recommend me? “Yes” Comment:...
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Computer screens should be at eye level? – not necessarily

One of the good results of my routine eye test today is a return to a comfortable working environmentAbout a year ago, a health and safety expert berated me for having my computer screen below eye level – bad for my posture, apparentlyTrustingly, I put the screen on a stand and suffered the up-and-down head motion of non-touch typing and screen checking.On the basis of advice today,...
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Referral fees – are they actively destructive?

We are currently finding the firms that rely heavily on estate agent referrals are incredibly slow – it can take literally weeks to get a draft contract out of them, and on more than one occasion we have offered to draft the contract for them, based on the information in the Home Information PacksAssuming they are not being lazy or incredibly incompentent (though … – no,...
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"Before you go, could you just …?"

I am away on holiday next week. Madeira, since you ask; yes, I hear it is quite pleasant, though I have not been beforeAnyway, I made the mistake of telling my clients, and all day I have taken calls along the lines of, “Oh, you remember that draft Will/shareholders’ agreement/ lease/whatever that you sent us six (or more weeks ago? Well, we haven’t actually looked at it but...
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Chancel repairs liability

Having had to carry out a little extra research than normal into this topic, I thought I’d share the results by gathering together various links on the subjectFor background information, Wikipedia has an accurate, if brief entry. Other authoritative information is available from the church, and a Times Online article The report on the Wallbank court case that brought this “new”...
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