To Tweet or not to Tweet? That is NOT the question – I hope

solicitors generally tend to be perceived as aloof and stuffy, and I want to show that I, at least, am not

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English Pub blog – what’s it about?

This is our blog that focuses on the English pub – mainly addressing legal issues, especially in connection with buying, selling and leasing pubs. To some extent, it will also deal with non-legal news, and carry my comments about pubs I visit and the quality of service they provide
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Nelsons’ Column blog – what’s it about?

Nelsons’ Column is the blog for legal news and views from Nelsons – I hope that staff will contribute as much as I do, though they seem reluctant at present. I hope it will give readers some insight into what goes on in a solicitor’s office and will help explain some of the difficulties we encounter, how we try to resolve them, and why we do what we do and give the advice we...
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New website – awaiting launch

This is our new – as yet unlaunched – website for our merged brands: Justin Nelson (dealing with commercial work) will merge with Nelsons (dealing with residential conveyancing) to come under the single “Nelsons” umbrella This will simplify life for us, and for our clients, who must have been quite confused by the two brands on occasions! For fuller details, please see...
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Commoditisation -v- the old-fashioned “family solicitor”

In The Private Patient, the author – P D James – several times includes an assumption that “people of means” will have a permanent solicitor – a family solicitor – who knows their background and previous dealings, and can give a broad range of advice and information. While this used to be the case – and is a useful means for fictional detectives to find...
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Unfair to pigeons!

There was an item on TV over the weekend (a comedy quiz, I believe) that mocked pigeons for being “superstitious” – for doing again the things they had been doing before when they were rewarded with food, etc Though they were compared to superstitious sportsmen, and the like, who insisted on wearing their “lucky jockstrap” for a match, or similar, in fact all the...
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Latest company update from Nelsons

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