Wills can be urgent – they are certainly important

Over the past couple of weeks, as well as my normal workload, I have had to make three emergency Wills. To be fair, one was not – I suspect – a genuine emergency: the client insisted he was about to die and that he had to be visited at home so he could make his Will but, as he is now asking for time to pay his bill, I reckon he was just demanding special attention.

The other couple of cases were more genuine: one client was, literally, on her deathbed; the other was about to undergo serious surgery – but is now recovering, I’m pleased to say.

Strictly, almost no Will should be urgent: everyone should make a Will as a matter of routine, and do so in a calm, thoughtful way. Then, when life-threatening circumstances arise, the Will is already in place and does not have to be rushed

Even if you just rely on a printed form from a stationer, I encourage you to make a Will if you do not have an up to date one already. Of course, if you’d like to use our services, we’d be happy to help at very reasonable rates: just phone and ask for Sam(antha) or Anne, or email mail@nelsonslegal.co.uk and we will be pleased to get things started. You may want to take a look at our explanatory notes in preparation.

Most of our clients comment happily on how easy we make the process: it is really not something to be afraid of – nor should it be left until it is urgent

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