Tenterden Pudding Club

Once a month (on the last Friday in each month), various Tenterden-based professionals and business people (solicitors, accountants, estate agents, IFAs, telecom consultants, bank managers, insurance brokers, etc) get together for an informal, single-course lunch and a bit of networking

There is no need to commit to attending (nor to apologise if you cannot attend), but if you are in business in Tenterden and would like to be added to the email reminder list, let me know: send me an email at jn@justinnelson.co.uk


  1. Barbara Saul

    By single course, you do mean pudding, don't you? Another temptation for me to move to Tenterden 😉

  2. Abaddon the scrivener

    Tends to be main course only, Barbara, but you'd be welcome anyway

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