Tenterden accountants get it together

Two firms of accoutants with offices in Tenterden are to merge with effect from April Fools’ Day (1 April 2010)

Phipps & Co, who also have offices in Rye, will merge with Gibbons Mannington, who also have offices in Rye (and in Bexhill as well)

As Phipps & Co have only relatively recently returned to Tenterden, re-absorbing the Day Peto & Co practice that had previously spun off from them, this merger seems to indicate that they are actively managing their future – as one would expect from good accountants!

Good luck to them in their latest phase of development


  1. niftyknits

    Interesting choice of date!

  2. Abaddon the scrivener

    Yes – I must find out whether (a) they did not realise (b) they realised but did not care or (c) they thought it was a propitious date

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