The sale and purchase procedure

Having shared those initial tips for pub buyers and sellers, it may be useful to give an overview of the conveyancing process once a buyer has been found. Later, I can identify particular problems, difficulties or reasons for delay, and suggest ways of avoiding them or overcoming them. So, once a buyer is found – STAGE 1: The selling agents will notify the seller’s solicitor and the...
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Another tip for sellers

As well as making sure the property is ready, make sure your business is ready: your buyer will (probably) want to see – -an up-to-date (ie: less than one year old) electrical installation inspection certificate and Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) certificate – contact an NICEIC-registered electrician for these; a gas safety inspection certificate for any gas appliances – contact a...
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ID card "mission creep"

I seem to recall that, when ID cards were being proposed, we were assured that they would not be used as general means of proving ID, but only as “entitlement cards” for hospital services, benefits, etc.If my recollection is correct, what are we to make of the comment by Meg Hillier, undersecretary of state at the Home Office, that “for legal transactions it might well be...
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Why Abaddon’s musings?

Well, “musings” is fairly obvious, but who is/was Abaddon?The Abaddon I have in mind is the angel of the bottomless pit – there are others, but not relevantPartly, I am referring to the bottomless money pit that everyone (especially the tax man) seems to think I have access to, but more I am referring to what I hope is a bottomless pit of experience, knowledge, advice, etc,...
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Home Information Packs

Setting to one side (for now) the inept way in which Home Information Packs (HIPs) have been introduced, and assuming (for the sake of this post) that they are, if properly implemented, a Good Thing, the changes that will take effect on 6 April 2009 are likely to have a significant impact for sellers, buyers, estate agents and lawyers. To take a couple of points -1: The HIP will need to include...
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