Lawyers are not always a bad thing

People often moan about the way in which compensation lawyers encourage a blame culture, resulting in ridiculous claims and the “health and safety freeze” that (allegedly) means that schools, for instance, close at the slightest sign of snow. However, I suspect that a lot of the stories told are urban myths, encouraged by the anti-PC brigade and by those who have a vested interest in...
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Stage 2: draft contract

If the seller has prep’d his or her solicitor, so that the solicitor has the relevant title documents, getting a draft contract out to the buyer’s solicitor should not be a lengthy process or involve any delay. Selling a single pub is much like selling any other small business, except for the need to deal with the transfer of the premises licence and the fact that the inventory is...
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Uh-oh! Here comes trouble! (With added acronyms)

6 April 2009 is coming – the date from which house (and flat) sellers must have a complete Home Information Pack (HIP) in place before their property can be marketed The HIP must contain – an indexan Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) – or, for newbuilds, a Predicted Energy Assessment (PEA) – though marketing can start without these documents 14 days after their request if they are not...
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Mexican stand-off (or: It’s good to talk)

There should be no problems with stage 1 of the sale and purchase procedure: it should be a simple matter for the selling agents to contact the buyer’s and seller’s solicitors with details of the transaction – what can possibly go wrong? Assuming that the agent does not have a “senior moment” and simply forget to contact the solicitors – not unknown, for a...
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All lawyers (well – all practising lawyers, in the UK at least; I don’t know about others) are required to undergo Continuing Professional Development – basically, in-service training to keep up to date.It can be frustrating having to spend a day or half a day out of the office when there is so much to be dealt with on one’s desk; and the workload is only increased as a...
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