Long time, no blogging!

Things have been pretty hectic recently, so I haven’t had a chance to post any blog messages I hope to catch up a bit at the weekend Meanwhile, I visited the Bull in Sissinghurst yesterday evening. The new owners have spruced it up nicely, there is a good, friendly, busy atmosphere and the food is of very good quality and well-priced: whitebait followed by lamb cutlets at £8.95 is hard to...
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The Bull at Sissinghurst

I visited the Bull in Sissinghurst yesterday evening. The new owners have spruced it up nicely, there is a good, friendly, busy atmosphere and the food is of very good quality and well-priced: whitebait followed by lamb cutlets at £8.95 is hard to beat, and the quality of the gambas I had (at £7.95) was ecellent!A couple of good pints of Harveys Sussex Bitter went down a treat, too!
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When it’s worth paying for it …

Interesting article in the Wall Street Journal
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Oven-ready chips? Exchange-ready HIPs!

In an earlier post, I commented that the latest “improvements” to HIPs would not in fact make them more useful. What is needed (IMO) is a cultural change, so that sellers, agents and solicitors accepted that, however badly-thought-out (by civil servants and poloticians) HIPs are, the property professionals can make them work and use them to benefit buyers and sellersIf, instead of...
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Tenterden Pudding Club

Not as interesting as the name implies … the so-called “club” is simply an informal monthly lunchtime meeting of various local business people – mainly solicitors, accountants, estate agents, bank managers, etc We meet on the last Friday of each month, so the next meeting is on 27 February, at No 75 in Tenterden High Street at 1pm. We usually have a one course meal and a...
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