Don’t get HIP-ripped

We provide high-quality HIPs (from HIPAG) at less than £275 – including the PIQ with help from us – so why spend £400+ getting one from another source? Phone Sam(antha) or Anne on 01580 767100 for details and a chat
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ANOTHER charity shop in Tenterden?

It looks as though the former Cardfair shop in Sayers Lane, Tenterden, is going to be yet another charity shop – British Heart Foundation this timeWhile I don’t particularly rate card shops, having yet another charity shop seems to be overkill
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Stage 6 – agreeing the contract terms

When the seller’s solicitor prepared the draft contract, it will have included the obvious terms (eg: price) and terms to protect the seller (eg: an indemnity by the buyer in respect of post-completion debts of the business), but not necessarily any terms to protect the buyer (eg: non-competition clauses by the seller). It is the buyer’s solicitor’s job to make sure the...
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White Dog at Ewhurst Green

As this blog is about pubs, I should mention here the truly excellent meal I had on Friday evening at the White Dog, now run by Bill and Jacqui Tipples – gorgeous Rye Bay scallops to start, and pork saltimbocca as a main course; truly excellent food! The beer wasn’t bad, either: Fuller’s London Pride and a well-kept pint of Harvey’s Sussex bitter All-in-all, a...
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Stage 5: replying to enquiries

There seem to be two types of buyer’s solicitors: those who ask the seller’s solicitors to answer standard commercial enquiries, however irrelevant they are to the particular transaction, and those who raise their own enquiries ensuring they are relevant and purposeful. Similarly, there seem to be two types of seller’s solicitors: those who go through the enquiries with the...
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