"The anonymous uniform of the professionally uninterested"

That phrase caught my eye when I read it during the past week. I think it was in reference to (for example) bank employees in uniform who don’t really care about customers, only about achieving their targetsYet I think it applies more to professionals who assume that a suit is required uniform – without necessarily looking at it from their clients’ point of viewFor myself, I...
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Stage 11

STAGE 11: The buyer’s solicitor raises final enquiries about the title to the property, makes pre-completion searches and drafts the transfer and other documents that will transfer ownership of the property, the business, etc, into the buyer’s name, sending them to the seller’s solicitor for approval Now that contracts have been exchanged, it is down to the lawyers to sort out...
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Police over-reaction

At last! Someone is writing about the Nottighamshire protest arrests: http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/henryporter/2009/apr/14/protest-power-station-arrest
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If you are buying – get a survey

If you are buying a property, PLEASE get a survey. For a few hundred pounds, you can save yourself tens of thousands of pounds.First, if the survey reveals defects, you can re-negotiate the price to reflect theseSecond, if the survey does not reveal defects as such, it will include useful information, and at the very least will reassure you that there are no major problemsI used to think that...
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HIPs "upgraded" from 6 April

Now that HIPs must include a PIQ, there is another hurdle to leap before marketing a property, but we at Nelsons Property Lawyers think we can help There are different versions of the PIQ for existing homes and for new homes – a new home for these purposes is a home that is being designed or constructed or which has never been occupied. – and different versions for freehold and for...
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