Yesterday’s Tweets

For those confused by yesterday’s Tweets, this is what happened:1. Originally, Anne and I were to sail from Rye to Eastbourne with another couple to attend the Round Table and Ladies Circle National Conferences there – Jane being a former National Chairman of Ladies Circle2. The plan was that we would sail to Eastbourne on Friday, have a meal and sleep on the boat, then go to the...
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Completion of the sale and purchase

On the completion date, the buyer’s solicitor sends the completion money to the seller’s solicitor, who then sends the completion documents to the buyer’s solicitor; at the same time, if the property is leasehold, the licence to assign is completed The completion money comprises the purchase price for the property, the business and the inventory, plus the stock money (some or...
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Why don’t HIPs include contracts?

If HIPs (Home Information Packs) were really meant to provide a comprehensive package of pre-contract documents to speed up the conveyancing process, why do they not include a draft contract?It is not because of any technical difficulty: the draft contract can be prepared at the same time as a property information form (see my earlier post). The details of the buyer and the price would need to...
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Heretical thought – HIPs do help (sometimes)

Despite the many faults of Home Information Packs and the way they were implemented, they do (on the whole) help to speed up the conveyancing process. Usually, the legal pre-contract work is now completed well before the buyer’s mortgage offer is issued – it used often not to be so.The slowest item in the legal aspects is now the provision of up-to-date property information by the...
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Conveyancing process: ready to complete?

This is the stage just before completion of the sale and purchase: ff the draft transfer, etc, are approved (and, if appropriate, signed by the buyer), the final enquiries are satisfactorily answered, the pre-completion search results are satisfactory, and the licence to assign is agreed by the freeholder, the seller’s solicitor will get the completion papperwork signed by the seller, and...
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Latest company update from Nelsons

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