Mea culpa

Over a month since my last blog post – I’ve been too busy Tweeting instead. Must exercise more discipline and start thinking of things to say in more than 140 characters!
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Clients slow me down

For the first time in ages, if not ever, I have a client (a publican at that) who has not sabotaged the start of his own transaction by not supplying paperwork, etc, and so slowing me down The pub has been on the market for the best part of a year, but in readiness for finding a buyer, my client sent me the lease, the premises licence, the certificates and reports, asbestos survey, etc, so that...
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Absence makes the heart …

Long time, no blog! Sorry and all that, but I’ve been Tweeting I must try and blog more though – but it seems this blog is tooooo boring, so I will switch tack Comments
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I try to avoid wearing a business suit for work – I am more comfortable in sports jacket and trousers, and I think clients and potential clients are more comfortable not dealing with “a suit”Last week, however, I had to wear a suit on three of the five weeekdays – once for a funeral, once for a meeting at another solicitor’s office and once to attend an auction on...
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"Risk" by Dan Gardner

A good analysis of how we, as a society, perceive risk, and how we should perceive it and deal with it. We worry amount relatively small risks, but become blase about much bigger ones, due to various biases – the Von Rorkoff effect, optimism bias, hindsight bias, etc – and errors of logic.Our initial reaction to a given situation is based on gut instinct – our hard-wiring; if...
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Latest company update from Nelsons

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