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Love thy neighbour?

For all the legal and physical investigations a homebuyer can do, nothing beats checking on the neighbours – http://bit.ly/aPmuOGSeriously: if your home is to be your sanctuary, you need good neighbours. Like family (unlike friends), you cannot choose them – existing neighbours may be replaced by new ones. However, before you buy a new home., check on the neighbours – and if...
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Tenterden Pudding Club

Once a month (on the last Friday in each month), various Tenterden-based professionals and business people (solicitors, accountants, estate agents, IFAs, telecom consultants, bank managers, insurance brokers, etc) get together for an informal, single-course lunch and a bit of networkingThere is no need to commit to attending (nor to apologise if you cannot attend), but if you are in business in...
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Rush Witt & Wilson return to Tenterden

Rush Witt & Wilson are estate agents with offices in Battle, Rye, Hastings, Bexhill and St Leonards. They did also open an office in Tenterden, but closed it when the economy went down the tubesIn what may be a sign that the economy (or, at least, the local housing market) is improving, I hear they are re-opening their Tenterden office on Saturday 3 April – you can even enter a free...
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