Turmoil for the legal profession

The legal profession is undergoing a period of change and review more far-reaching than anything it has experienced before. The following consultations (which will lead to change) and already decided changes are under way (thanks to Rob Hailstone of the Bold Group for drawing all this together) -SRA Consultations: The new SRA Handbook: This consultation is the last opportunity for comments on...
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Deep and crisp and even

I cannot let the snowfall pass without at least one blogThere was plenty of snow overnight, resulting in a good 5 or 6 inches on the ground this morning. Though the side roads have been ploughed overnight, I do not expect any of my staff who drive to work to get in. That leaves Anne (my wife and office manager) and me, who both walk to work, to staff the office today.That’s not a problem:...
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A word of warning

Negotiating on legal fees – a word of warning. For the lawyer, the actual fees are only a small part of the relationship. More important, usually, is the lawyer’s perception of the value the client places on his or her services. If the lawyer feels undervalued, they will be demotivated and therefore less efficient. Don’t negotiate resentment into the relationship!
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Quality standards?

Research by the Consumer Panel – which advises the Legal Services Board, the regulator of lawyers – finds that “consumers assume all lawyers are technically competent and are subject to more regulatory controls than is the case. This means that quality considerations do not strongly influence consumers’ choice of lawyers and people erroneously consider that all legal...
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Another HomeMove forum query

In case it is of general interest, here is another query, and my reply, on the homemove.co.uk legal forumThe query:Please help! conversion of house to flats and existing mortgage lender rulesHello,I’m tied in for 2 years into existing 230k mortgage on a house valued at 500k. Repayment penalty of 5%. That I’ve come to terms with.I am getting planning permission to make into two flats...
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