Tenterden Pudding Club

Once a month (on the last Friday in each month), various Tenterden-based professionals and business people (solicitors, accountants, estate agents, IFAs, telecom consultants, bank managers, insurance brokers, etc) get together for an informal, single-course lunch and a bit of networking There is no need to commit to attending (nor to apologise if you cannot attend), but if you are in business in...
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It’s never too early to make your Will

Over the past couple of weeks, as well as my normal workload at Nelsons in Tenterden, I have had to make three emergency Wills. To be fair, one was not – I suspect – a genuine emergency: the client insisted he was about to die and that he had to be visited at home so he could make his Will but, as he is now asking for time to pay his bill, I reckon he was just demanding special...
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We are fantastic …

… our clients tell us so: just look at our testimonials page – all are absolutely genuine, we promise! We have deliberately chosen not to join the “Quality Solicitors” brand. We did subscribe to their referral service for a year, but were unhappy with their methods and the results, so ended that experiment fairly rapidly. We now watch in something akin to horrified...
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And now for some GOOD news

Amidst all the doom and gloom for most pubs – especially pubco and brewery owned leasehold pubs – these days, it was good to hear some good news over the past few days for a change – Debs and Marcus at the William Caxton in Tenterden are off to a flying start to the year, with the regular weekly quiz – Wednesday evenings, if you want a go – and the Folk Club, and...
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We are lawyers, not magicians

Some clients think that telling their lawyer to do something is the same as it being done Sometimes, this is mere bullying. Perhaps the client has watched too many Hollywood films, and thinks shouting at subordinates is the way to motivate them – “I want [this impossible thing] done by close of business or you are fired!” In those cases, all I can say is, “Good...
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Latest company update from Nelsons

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