Does house moving day make you want to SCREAM?

The day of your moved has arrived – you are anxious to get into your new home (or use the sale proceeds from the house you are selling), yet it seems to take all day to achieve.  Why? The completion date The completion date must be one when the banks are open and is the day when the buyers of the houses – meaning each buyer in the chain of transactions – must, through their...
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Licences for playing music

This post is about the PRS and PPL Schemes What are they? PRS and PPL licensing are two independent schemes that represent the interests of different rights holders for the use of recorded and live music in public performances. If recorded music is audible in a public space at your premises, you need both licences. The PPL scheme is also for live music performances. PPL licences: These permit...
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What is HSBC thinking of?

HSBC Bank is in trouble – with solicitors, at least. You may not have seen the furore over HSBC’s decision not to use solicitors generally to carry out its residential mortgage work – so that their customers, buying property with an HSBC mortgage, can have the HSBC work done by the same solicitor that is handing the purchase work – and instead to appoint a panel of only 43 firms of conveyancers...
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Business tenants’ statutory rights to renew their leases

A couple of clients/prospective clients asked me to clarify their rights to renew their business leases when they expired.  I therefore thought a blog post on the subject was called for.  I emphasise this is about the tenant’s right to renew their lease: if they can agree terms with their landlord, there is no need to exercise a statutory right of renewal – but if your landlord has...
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Sir Terry Farrell’s “Vision for Tenterden”

I attended Sir Terry Farrell’s illustrated talk on Friday 6 January 2012, as arranged by Tenterden & District Residents’ Association. Though of no real legal significance, I thought it worth a blog post, as a lot of interesting thoughts were presented. I was slightly wrong-footed at the outset: though originally entitled “A Vision for Tenterden”, the opening slide had the title “Visioning...
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