Not R2D2, but RX3

EDIT: In this post, I should have referred to form RX4 – an application by the lender or its conveyancer to withdraw a restriction.  Form RX3 is used by someone else to cancel the restriction.  Apologies for my error and any confusion I caused. On to the post itself: “RX3” refers to the Land Registry form (a form RX3) for applying to withdraw a restriction that has been...
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Private drainage system? Get it registered!

Many rural properties are not connected to the public sewerage system, but have their own private foul drainage system: a septic tank, cesspit or biological treatment unit. It used to be that only systems that drained or overflowed into a watercourse (which includes a ditch) needed a Consent to Discharge (or exemption certificate) from the Environment Agency, but the regulatory system is...
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How can you extend a residential “long lease” that is starting to run out?

When the lease period (“term”) under a long (more than 21 years term at the date of grant) residential lease drops below 80 years, it can get difficult to mortgage and therefore difficult to sell.  However, it need not be a major problem, as almost all tenants who have held the lease in their own name for at least 2 years will have a statutory right to extend it.  This does not apply...
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Commercial websites and electronic trading

Website trading Websites must provide “in a clear, comprehensive and unambiguous manner” the following information – the different technical steps to follow to conclude the contract whether the contract will be (a) stored and (b) accessible the technical means to review and correct an order before it is placed the languages in which the order can be placed Website owners must also ensure there...
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Saving inheritance tax (“IHT”)

The old system It used to be the case that, to use (rather than waste) the nil tax band for IHT (currently the first £325,000 of the estate), a gift of up to the amount of the nil tax band could be “hived off” – either outright to other beneficiaries or to a discretionary trust that could include the surviving spouse, children, grandchildren, etc as potential beneficiaries. The rest of the...
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